Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Pets in the Classroom

This is a link to a great program.  An easy grant application returns $50 - $150 for the purchase and upkeep of a classroom pet.  Every student wants a Bearded Dragon in the room!

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Bat-Eared Foxes

The Bat-Eared Foxes arrived in their new Potter Park Zoo home this morning.  They are in the moat exhibits next to the Meercats. We have a male and a female that will be a delightful new reason to visit the zoo.  The Tenrecs and Fruit Bats should be on exhibit in the Bird and Reptile House very soon as the artist is finishing up his work in recreating their natural environment.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Bat Education Activities

The United Nations (UNEP) has declared 2012 as International Year of the Bat(YOTB) and  zoos and aquariums are joining the celebration.  Bat Conservation International developed an Events Suitcase, containing the following downloadable activities.  More information and materials are available from

Friday, April 13, 2012


We just finished our BZL and I can't believe I have the energy to even type this. Just wanted to let everyone know how much we (Cumberland E.S.) enjoyed our week. Our students were SO into the zoo and all the activities. In preparation for our week, the students had been observing the 3 tiger cubs on the cub cam (since about November)...the cubs were introduced to their outdoor exhibit during our visit this week and the students were thrilled. There were so many firsts for our students this week...too many to record. Parent chaperones were really impressed with how focused students were while observing their animal. Can't wait for next year! Lisa